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What to Do With Old Pillows? 17 Ways

What to do with Old Pillows

Pillows are one of the many things around the house that can’t be recycled. How does it work? Recycling means taking something apart and making it again. Tires are often used to make outdoor flooring and furniture. Most of the time, pillows are not reused. Then what to do with old pillows?

Donation stores don’t take pillows because of cleanliness, bed bugs, etc. So, we get rid of them. Before you throw them away, think about recycling or upcycling them.

Natural pillow fillings that can be composted include wool, bamboo, natural materials, and down feathers. Synthetics like nylon and spandex can’t be broken down in the soil.

Today, we’ll discuss how to reuse and recycle old bed cushions. Every bed cushion loses its shape, gets lumps, or falls apart over time. Even though you shouldn’t use those anymore, that doesn’t mean they’re not helpful. We’ll talk about some clever ways to use old ones.

What to do with old Bed Pillows

  1. Make Floor Cushions
  2. Make Rags
  3. Pet Beds
  4. Stuff Another Pillow
  5. Use as Packing & Moving Material
  6. Double Up
  7. Make Throw Pillows
  8. Compost Your Feathers
  9. Seal Up Drafty Doors
  10. Make a Gardening Cushion
  11. Block Drafts
  12. Block Chimney Drafts
  13. Donate for Reuse or Recycle
  14. Protect a Package
  15. Road Trip Pillow
  16. Donate Your Pillows to a Charity
  17. Use Old Pillows to Help with Packing

1. Make Floor Cushions

If you have a lot of old pillows, you can use them to make more giant floor cushions. A couple of wide cushions are an excellent addition to any sitting room or playroom and can be used for spontaneous video gaming, picture parties, or board games.

Go to a fabric store and get pre-made cushion covers. You might make your cloth covers that match the rest of your home’s style.

2. Make Rags

Remove the filling from your previous pillow. Cut the remaining cloth into squares and use them as wipes for cleaning!

3. Make Pet Beds

Your dog or cat would happily curl up in dirty clothes even if you’ve spent a fortune on a nice bed for them! Using your old pillows to make a pet bed solves two problems.

Firstly, it’s a simple way to reuse cushions, and secondly, it smells like home and not a random factory, so your pet may be more inclined to nap there.

4. Stuff Another Pillow

When it comes to pillows, there is always room for improvement. The filling from an old pillow about to be retired can be used to make this new one. Remove the old pillow’s stuffing and insert it into the new one.

5. Use as Packing & Moving Material

Keep old pillows in the house if you need to move or use them as packing filler. If you don’t need them immediately, you can store them in vacuum-sealed bags.

Then, should you need to send fragile items or protect furniture from scuffs, you have them at your fingertips. Since the materials can be cut to size, this is an ideal method for using solid memory or latex foam pillows.

6. Double Up

Use two pillows instead of one if your old one is getting thin and lumpy. Put two of your thinnest pillows in a pillowcase. So, you’ll have a firm enough cushion for at least a few months.

7. Make Throw Pillows

As one of the easiest sewing projects, making throw pillows at home is a great way to save money. Convert them into square wraps with endless DIY or store-bought cover choices, smaller travel pillows, or round bolster pillows for benches and daybeds by compressing the stuffing.

8. Compost Your Feathers

If you are replacing an old pillow with one that does not include feathers, you should remove the feathers first and add them to your composting process. It would appear that they decompose pretty nicely in the compost!

Also Read: How to Arrange Pillows on a Bed (11 Ways)

9. Seal Up Drafty Doors

A lot of energy is lost when your AC or heater has to work overtime because of drafty doors and windows. Making your draft stoppers is an easy and cost-effective way to recycle old pillowcases.

Consider making a simple draft blocker out of long socks or old pillowcases. If you want to keep a space colder or warmer, put them in front of outside doors or by drafty window sills. As a housewarming gift, they’re adorable!

10. Make a Gardening Cushion

Gardening is a fun and fulfilling pastime, but it may be taxing on the knees after a long day of weeding and sowing. To save money, use a solid pillowcase as a knee cushion instead of buying a new one.

Alternatively, if you’re handy with your hands, you may build a cover out of weather-resistant cloth.

11. Block Drafts

Make a quick and straightforward draft-blocking device with your old pillow using it as a template. Put it in front of the door that lets in the coldest air, and you’ll immediately feel the difference!

12. Block Chimney Drafts

No need to worry about having a draughty chimney instead of a door. You may also use an old cushion for this purpose.

Stuff your old pillow up your chimney after covering it with a trash bag to keep out the elements. It will help keep the cold air out of the house by insulating it.

13. Donate for Reuse or Recycle

All textiles can be donated to thrift shops and organizations, including the Salvation Army, Easter Seals, The Purple Heart Foundation, and Goodwill, as long as they aren’t “wet or tainted with hazardous ingredients.”

These organizations have connections with textile recyclers, so there is a fair probability that the pillows will be recycled if they cannot sell them.

Giving old pillows to a nearby animal shelter or wildlife rehabilitation center might also be successful. You may also donate them to someone who could use them more by posting them on Craigslist or Freecycle.

Pillows might be accepted by a nearby textile recycling facility that specializes in textiles and fibers. Foam pillows may be best taken to mattress or foam recyclers as some would only accept linens.

14. Protect A Package

When shipping a delicate item, use the filling from an old pillow as a protective layer. It’s entirely possible to stuff the entire pillow into the box.

15. Road Trip Pillow

If you frequently travel by car with your family, consider repurposing your old pillows to make another more enjoyable. All you have to do is use your sewing machine to sew a few straight lines.

16. Donate Your Pillows to a Charity

Donating your old pillows to a charity is a terrific way to eliminate them without wasting them. If you’re donating old pillows to a good cause, thoroughly wash and dry the pillowcases.

The charity will be more likely to accept the pillows as a donation if they are presented in this manner.

17. Use Old Pillows to Help with Packing

Old pillows can be helpful when you’re moving out. Use old ones to pack and move delicate objects like glass décor, candles, kitchenware, etc. Please don’t use dirty pillows to pack fragile objects, as this could cause them to be damaged worse.

What to do with old Feather Pillows

If you no longer want to use an old feather pillow, you may wonder what to do with it. Many people aren’t happy with the concept of tossing anything like this out because it could still be beneficial in some cases.

There are several ways to repurpose old feather pillows, so keep reading to learn more. You’ll also be able to think of rational ways to eliminate them, making the process less jarring.

If you follow the advice in this article, you won’t have an issue disposing of your old pillows.

What to do with old Boppy Pillows

Even if you spend a lot of money on baby accessories and gear, most of it will be useless after a few months. Boppy nursing pillows are the same way. The pillow is no longer necessary after the infant reaches 16 pounds.

There are numerous possibilities if you are unsure what to do with your Old Boppy pillows. Unlike other recycled materials, old nursing pillows can be utilized for legitimate reasons.

Continue to the central part and see how you can make this pillow worth every money you paid for it without further delay.

Making Your Pillows Last Longer

It is possible to extend the life of your pillows by following a few simple steps. You can do several things to ensure that your cushions last long. Latex foam, buckwheat, and down cushions are more resilient than down alternative and synthetic pillows.

Using a pillow protector is the next most critical thing you can do. Rather than being tucked inside a pillowcase, these zippered covers rest directly on top of the pillow.

It is common for pillow protectors to be inexpensive and effective in preventing moisture and some pollutants from reaching your pillow.

Changing your pillow’s side regularly, washing your pillow according to the manufacturer’s directions, and fluffing your pillow are all good ideas.

Final Thoughts

More alternatives for reusing and recycling the parts that make a pillow would be fantastic. Considering how many pillows you use in your lifetime, it’s a lot of material to throw away. It’s time to start designing things that will be thrown away. The goal is to reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

To that end, we hope you found instructions for what we do with old pillows. If you’ve used the same pillow for two years, it’s time to renovate it.

A charity, thrift store, homeless shelter, or community hall will appreciate the pillow if you contribute it. Alternatively, you might try to reuse the pillows at home instead of buying new ones. Make sure you weigh your options before tossing your old pillows in the trash can.

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